Friday, May 22, 2009

Life lessons...


Just here for another random blog. Growing up is all about life lessons. You mature, you grow, make a few mistakes, learn from the mistakes, and kinda just take things in. It's like the first time falling off a bike. or getting pounded by a wave. or getting your first bad grade. You kinda have to take it as it is and just keep swimming...

Being away from family definitely makes me realize how much family really means to me. They really do have your back... no matter what. I am fortunate for my family. When all else fails... and you feel like you can't swim no more... your family will be there with a life jacket.. or a surfboard to help you keep going.

Friends also mean a lot to me. Not just any old "friends" ... but the real friends. Friends you can share your feelings and emotions with. Friends you can have REAL TALKS with and not worry about it causing more drama. Friends you can and have already had heart to hearts with. Friends that know who you really are... yet still love you. I have a lot of friends and I am grateful. If there is one thing I learned about friendships is that they too will be there to help you when you can no longer swim... and they definitely have my back!

There's more but I have some Hawaii Club stuff to take care of right now so BRB! Until next time...

Much love and aloha,


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