Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Tree

Side note: Sorry I was rushing through this cause I had to go somewhere. So my thoughts might be all over the place and not make sense! :)

I decided to post this picture I took a long time ago. I call it the bare tree. As it stands there, naked, leaves fallen, and alone... I couldn't help but think that i feel for this tree.

The way I see it is that we go through life full of obstacles. These obstacles can break you down... strip you of your leaves... and leave you feeling so alone. Piece by piece, a part of you falls... until you become so lost. . . confused. . . and afraid. As you stand there wondering what's next, all you have is that vision of all the pieces that you have lost.. the leaves all on the ground... and you are no longer you.

But it's what you do next that shows your true character. Will you just give up.. and let the obstacle get the best of you? or will you weather the storm and pick yourself back up again? I choose the latter. As down as you may be you have to pick yourself up. You can't be defeated. Yes you have lost a part of you... but you can get that back... and gain even more.

Your leaves will fall... you'll become that bare tree... lost and alone... but just stay strong, soar over any bump, do not fall. Because when the sun finally shines... your leaves will grow... no longer will you be lost and alone... and no longer a bare tree.


  1. Good post

    I like it :)

    I want a tree like that

  2. I like how you use pictures to start off/accompany your blogs! Haha...

    Very nice blog too, I like how you use comparison and personification as a motivational tool, it is really effective and I know whenever I feel down I can look at trees in a different way to help motivate myself :)

  3. nikki: i took it as i was walking to campus last fall... so yeah.. you can probably steal one from campus. lol.

    jason: i like trees! let's all grow to become those huge trees we see around... growth=overcame obstacles=living life

  4. David I love how insightful you are. You should write a book :)
